sur ST Telemedia Global Data Centres

STT GDC Earns NVIDIA DGX-Ready Certification, Boosting AI Capabilities

ST Telemedia Global Data Centres (STT GDC), a prominent data centre colocation provider based in Singapore, announced its new status as an NVIDIA colocation partner. Two of its facilities in Southeast Asia, STT Singapore 6 and STT Bangkok 1, have been certified under the NVIDIA DGX-Ready Data Center program. These certifications mark a significant milestone for STT GDC, as they are the first within its portfolio to achieve this recognition.

The NVIDIA DGX platform is tailored for enterprise AI, capable of handling analytics, training, and inference. STT GDC's certification enables it to provide clients with enhanced infrastructure for tackling AI workloads. This development positions STT GDC among the front-runners in Singapore to earn such a certification, supporting global business transitions to intelligent technology.

R. E.

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