sur NamR (EPA:ALNMR)

Strategic agreement between namR and Addactis for a sale of assets

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action NamR (EPA:ALNMR).

On January 23, 2025, namR announced the signing of a strategic agreement with Addactis to sell certain assets for a maximum amount of €4.2 million. This sale includes products jointly developed since 2019. Before being effective, the agreement must receive approval from the Paris Economic Activities Court, currently being negotiated with namR's financial partners.

The amount would be 3.5 million euros at the time of signing, with a possible supplement of 700,000 euros. Addactis will obtain full ownership of the assets while taking over certain key employees of namR. The two entities will share intellectual property rights, the transfer being non-exclusive.

namR, with a cash position of 265,000 euros, is continuing its plan to reduce expenses in a context of gross financial debt of 6 million euros. The finalization of the agreement aims for a sale completed by the end of February 2025, serving to support namR's development strategy in the financial sector.

R. H.

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