Strategic agreement between Compose MFG and Roctool for composite molding

On February 25, 2025, Roctool, a specialist in mold heating and cooling technologies, announced a strategic agreement with Compose MFG, a major player in composite molding. This licensing agreement gives Compose MFG full access to Roctool's induction heating technology. This collaboration aims to improve the production of high-precision and high-performance composite parts.
With this agreement, Compose MFG strengthens its production capacity, ensuring superior surface quality and increased efficiency. This alliance sets new standards in sustainable manufacturing, with a significant impact on the aerospace, automotive and electronics sectors.
Compose MFG CEO Sebastien Ignotis highlights the benefits of this partnership, while Roctool CEO Mathieu Boulanger discusses the positive impact already observable at the start of 2025. Both companies share a common commitment to innovation and sustainability.
R. E.
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