sur STRABAG SE (isin : AT000000STR1)

STRABAG SE Shareholder MKAO Rasperia Trading Ltd. Now on EU Sanctions List

STRABAG SE has announced that its shareholder, MKAO Rasperia Trading Ltd. ("Rasperia"), has been added to the European Union's sanctions list under Implementing Regulation (EU) 2024/1842. Along with Rasperia, its parent company, Iliadis JSC, has also been sanctioned.

Previously, both entities were already subject to sanctions by the United States. The EU's decision to sanction Rasperia stems from transactions involving its shareholding in STRABAG SE.

The shares of Rasperia in STRABAG SE remain frozen, a measure that had already been in place due to earlier sanctions on Oleg Deripaksa. The inclusion of Rasperia on the EU sanctions list does not impact STRABAG SE's operations or strategy. STRABAG SE continues to comply with all applicable sanctions.

R. H.

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