sur Stillwater Critical Minerals Corp. (isin : CA86074L1031)
Stillwater Completes Geophysical Survey, Expands Resource Potential
Stillwater Critical Minerals Corp. has finalized a comprehensive geophysical survey at the Stillwater West project in Montana, USA. This work included development of a 3D geologic model of the lower Stillwater Igneous Complex. The model highlights continuity along a 9.5-kilometer stretch, demonstrating robust mineralization potential, with significant nickel, copper, cobalt, and PGE reserves across five deposits.
The geophysical survey, conducted in collaboration with Glencore plc, utilized the MobileMT magneto-telluric system. The survey aims to uncover major conductive drill targets across a 12-kilometer resource area, further expanding exploration scope. This bolsters Stillwater's position in an active American mining district, especially as the US looks to reduce import reliance on critical minerals.
Future announcements will focus on expanding the project and exploring production scenarios, alongside initiatives like CO2 sequestration and hydrogen studies. With the US Department of Energy providing $2.75M in funding, Stillwater remains poised for growth.
R. E.
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