sur Steyr Motors AG

Steyr Motors Secures Engine Order for Explorer 24 Hovercraft

Steyr Motors AG, based in Steyr, Austria, has landed an order to supply engines for Amphibious Marine's Explorer 24 hovercraft. This craft serves various functions, from tourism to search and rescue operations. Prominently, SpaceX utilizes the Explorer 24 for site transportation in Texas. This order marks a push into the civilian maritime sector for Steyr Motors, a firm known for mission-critical engine applications in defense.

Julian Cassutti, CEO of Steyr Motors, highlights that the collaboration underscores their engine solutions' versatility and reliability. This contract further cements their standing as a key supplier of high-performance engines.

The Explorer 24 is lauded for being economical and capable of enduring saltwater conditions, making it suitable for diverse users, from government agencies to recreation enthusiasts.

R. H.

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