sur Steyr Motors AG

Steyr Motors Partners with Rheinmetall for Defense Innovation

On March 11, 2025, Steyr Motors AG signed a major development and supply agreement with Rheinmetall Landsysteme GmbH. This collaboration marks a strategic partnership aiming to enhance technology for defense platforms. Steyr Motors brings its expertise in high-performance diesel engines to this alliance. Rheinmetall, known for tactical vehicles, focuses on boosting performance through innovation. Julian Cassutti, CEO of Steyr Motors, highlights the cooperative effort to set new standards in military platform development.

Steyr Motors, based in Austria, specializes in customized engines for both defense and civil applications, generating EUR 41.7 million in revenue in 2024. They target a 40% revenue increase in 2025, with anticipated production exceeding 1,250 units. The partnership indicates a promising direction for future defense solutions.

R. P.

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