sur Babylon Micro-Farms

Stephen Ritz Joins Babylon Micro-Farms to Accelerate Vertical Farming in Classrooms Across America

RICHMOND, VA / ACCESSWIRE / September 3, 2024 / Stephen Ritz, an acclaimed educator and the founder of Green Bronx Machine, has partnered with Babylon Micro-Farms to advance vertical farming in American classrooms. As the new brand ambassador, Ritz aims to promote Babylon's STEM Garden, creating transformative learning experiences that spark students' curiosity and love for learning.

Ritz sees education as a way to connect students to the world. He believes the STEM Garden can revolutionize learning by making it hands-on and exciting. Babylon Micro-Farms selected Ritz for his dedication to sustainable education, which aligns with their mission.

The STEM Garden, a hydroponic farming system for K-12 classrooms, offers interactive lessons in plant biology, environmental science, and agriculture. Ritz will develop programs and conduct outreach to promote sustainable practices and urban farming nationwide.

Babylon Micro-Farms and Ritz aim to inspire the next generation of thinkers by bringing the benefits of vertical farming to classrooms. They hope to foster a movement toward sustainable agriculture and healthier lifestyles for students across America.

R. E.

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