sur Star Royalties Ltd. (isin : CA8551691089)

Star Royalties Highlights Revised Copperstone Project Economics

Star Royalties Ltd. has announced the reissuance of the Preliminary Economic Assessment for the Copperstone Gold Mine. The assessment now reflects the extinguishment of a 1.5% Net Smelter Royalty, impacting Copperstone's projected metrics. With a gold price scenario of $3,000/oz, the after-tax net cash flow is estimated at $298 million, and an after-tax IRR of 171%. This boosts the economic outlook for Copperstone, though ongoing trade-off studies were not included in this reassessment.

Star Royalties anticipates $4.6 million pre-tax cash flow in Copperstone's first production year. The life-of-mine cash flow is projected at $20.5 million, excluding possible resource expansion. The company underlines exploration opportunities within the project, potentially enhancing future valuation.

Development at Copperstone is ongoing, with production slated for the first half of 2026. Efforts include securing financing and completing permits. Star Royalties, holding significant Minera Alamos shares, expects potential positive developments in their equity due to anticipated project milestones in 2025.

R. H.

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