sur Star Copper Corp. (isin : CA8549371091)

Star Copper Announces Spin-Out of Okeover Project

Star Copper Corp. has announced an arrangement agreement with its subsidiary, Alpha Copper Corp., for the spin-out of its Okeover copper-molybdenum project to the shareholders. This strategic reorganization aims to unlock value by creating two specialized companies, each focusing on different projects: Star Copper on its Star and Quesnel Projects, and Alpha Copper on the Okeover Project.

The spin-out involves a statutory plan of arrangement distributing Alpha Copper shares to Star Copper shareholders proportionately to their current holdings. Completion requires shareholder, court, and Canadian Securities Exchange approvals. Post-arrangement, Star Copper will continue public trading, while Alpha Copper remains a reporting issuer.

This move is expected to enhance shareholder diversification and enable focused project advancements. The Okeover Project, located near Powell River, boasts significant mineralization, with ongoing exploration activities aimed at verifying historical resource estimates.

R. E.

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