sur Sparta Group (isin : CA8469051079)

Sparta Group announces significantly increased processing capacity at its recycling plant in Oman

Sparta Group, listed on the TSXV under the symbol SAY, recently reported a nearly sevenfold increase in processing capacity at its electronic waste recycling facility in Oman compared to that in Toronto. The company emphasizes the significant reduction in electronic waste that this can lead to in the country. Located in Salalah, in the Dhofar province, this facility benefits from full support from the Omani government and employs cutting-edge technologies, highlighting the country's commitment to combating electronic waste accumulation.

This facility is capable of processing various types of electronic waste, including computers, mobile phones, and household appliances, thanks to its advanced systems allowing for the secure extraction of precious materials. According to the Oman Daily Observer, Oman produces 2.4 million tons of recyclable waste annually, including electronic waste, accumulated over several years. The establishment of ERS in the country therefore represents a significant step towards addressing this issue.

Sparta Group, also known as Sparta Capital Ltd., is a company that integrates emerging technologies into its operations, focusing on the environment, energy, and innovation through its distinct operational segments.

R. E.

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