sur SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (isin : CA8443751059)

SouthGobi Resources Files NI 43-101 Reports for Ovoot Tolgoi and Soumber Projects

SouthGobi Resources Ltd. has announced the filing of new independent technical reports for its Ovoot Tolgoi Coal Mine and Soumber Coal Project. Prepared by BAW Mineral Partners Limited, these reports comply with Canadian standards and aim to provide updated estimates of the mineral resources and reserves.

For Ovoot Tolgoi, resources in the Sunrise Pit increased by 9.8% to 133.60 million tonnes, while the Sunset Pit saw a 3.2% decrease to 174.71 million tonnes. The mine's reserves are detailed as 82.26 million tonnes, with the Sunrise and Sunset Pits contributing 39.59 Mt and 42.68 Mt, respectively.

The Soumber Coal Project reports proven and probable reserves totaling 25.14 million tonnes. Reserves at Biluut increased significantly, reaching 117.24 Mt, whereas other areas experienced slight decreases. Resources and reserves are vital for the ongoing viability of SouthGobi's mining operations.

R. H.

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