sur Southern ITS International, Inc. (NASDAQ:SITS)

Southern ITS International Expands with Key Acquisition

Southern ITS International, Inc., a diversified holding company, has acquired Last Mile Production and Last Mile Capital Partners. These Texas-based companies specialize in oil and gas, employing AI technology to optimize production and reduce environmental impact. This acquisition underscores Southern ITS International's commitment to sustainable energy solutions through advanced technology and data analytics.

Gil Irey, President of Southern ITS International, emphasized the strategic alignment with Last Mile's innovative approach. This integration enhances Southern ITS's ability to provide real-time insights, positing them as a leader in the dynamic oil and gas sector.

This move also fortifies Last Mile Production's capabilities, as Zach Wagner from Last Mile noted. The partnership aims to boost innovation and efficiency, shaping American energy's future with a balance of tradition and progress.

R. H.

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