sur Sonova Holding AG (isin : CH0012549785)

Sonova Unveils New AI-Driven Hearing Aid Platforms

Sonova Holding AG has launched two groundbreaking hearing aid platforms, Phonak Audéo Infinio and Phonak Audéo Sphere Infinio, incorporating real-time AI technology. This new technological advancement aims to address the critical 'speech-in-noise' issue, helping people with hearing loss better understand speech in noisy environments.

The Phonak Audéo Sphere Infinio is particularly notable for its dual-chip technology. One of these is the proprietary DEEPSONIC™ chip, which uses deep neural networks to separate clear speech from background noise instantaneously. According to clinical studies, this technology doubles users' speech understanding in noisy surroundings compared to existing products.

Sonova's CEO, Arnd Kaldowski, emphasized the importance of solving the 'speech-in-noise' problem and its impact on quality of life. The new platforms also promise improvements in sound quality, connectivity, and power management, available to consumers starting August 2024.

R. P.

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