sur Sokoman Minerals Corp (isin : CA83410M1014)

Sokoman Minerals Announces High-Grade Gold Intersections at Moosehead Project

Sokoman Minerals Corp. has reported significant high-grade gold results from its Western Trend drilling program at the Moosehead Project in Newfoundland. Key findings include an impressive 69.48 g/t gold over 4.85 meters, with a notable inclusion of 176.47 g/t gold over 1.90 meters. This announcement corrects a previous error regarding intersect lengths and assays. The results are part of a series of 13 holes drilled, revealing abundant visible gold and strong continuity.

President and CEO Timothy Froude highlighted the success, attributing it to insights gained from prior trenching programs and expert consultation. Further drilling, set to resume on January 27, aims to explore deeper targets and expand known mineralization zones. Discussions with Novamera are also underway for a strategic bulk sampling using advanced technology later in the year, promising a busy period for Sokoman.

R. H.

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