Société de la Tour Eiffel sells an office building in Montigny-le-Bretonneux
The Société de la Tour Eiffel announces the sale of the Diagonale Ouest building, located in Montigny-le-Bretonneux. The building, acquired in 1999, covers 8,300 m² and represents less than 2% of the company's total assets. It is rented to several tenants and has a commercial gallery on the ground floor.
This transaction marks a new stage in Société de la Tour Eiffel's strategy to rationalize its real estate portfolio. Since 2022, the company has sold a dozen buildings for a total of nearly 200 million euros, or 11% of its assets. These sales target assets requiring upgrades or located in specific geographic areas.
Christel Zordan, Managing Director, emphasizes that these disposals balance the acquisitions. The company aims to adapt its portfolio to changes in the real estate market and environmental and societal requirements.
R. H.
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