sur Snowline Gold Corp. (isin : CA83342V1040)

Snowline Gold Reports Strong Drill Results at Valley Deposit

Snowline Gold Corp has unveiled promising drill results from its 2024 campaign at the Valley deposit in Yukon. Notably, Hole V-24-105 intersected 466.6 m of gold at 1.12 grams per tonne (g/t) from the surface, including 154.0 m at 2.07 g/t. Similarly, Hole V-24-111 returned 403.6 m of gold at 1.05 g/t from the surface.

The findings aid in filling significant gaps along the deposit, thus enhancing the continuity and width of mineralization. These results will contribute to an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) for Valley. Additionally, assays are pending for over 7,200 m from 17 holes across Snowline’s Rogue and Einarson projects.

At the Aurelius target, widespread gold anomalies have been detected, alongside elevated copper levels. This supports the exploration for a new gold district within the fertile Selwyn Basin.

R. P.

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