sur Snowline Gold Corp. (isin : CA83342V1040)

Snowline Gold Reports Promising Drill Results at Valley Deposit

Snowline Gold Corp has announced significant drill results from its 2024 campaign on the Valley deposit, located within the Rogue Project in Yukon. Notably, Hole V-24-119 achieved a 617.6 m intersection at 1.68 grams per tonne (g/t) gold, including 202.0 m at 3.24 g/t. These findings emphasize the strong consistency of high-grade, near-surface mineralization in previously unexplored areas.

The project anticipates an updated Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) in the first half of 2025, alongside the inaugural Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA). These actions aim to address the potential economic viability of the deposit, which is characterized by large scale and low strip requirements.

Additional drill holes provide further insights, with V-24-123 and V-24-124 identifying low-grade zones southeast of the current MRE. The results contribute to Snowline's goal of advancing the Valley deposit into a significant gold resource, showcasing potential for economic development and future expansions.

R. E.

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