sur Snowline Gold Corp. (isin : CA83342V1040)
Snowline Gold Expands Mineralization at Valley and Jupiter Targets
Snowline Gold Corp. announced substantial drilling results from its 2024 campaign at the Valley deposit, Rogue Project, and the Jupiter target at the Einarson Project in Yukon. Key findings include Hole V-24-115, revealing 2.08 g/t gold over 15.5 m within a larger 100.5 m intersection averaging 0.53 g/t gold, extending mineralization 300 m east of the current resource.
Drilling at the Valley also demonstrated continuity, with Hole V-24-117 intersecting 1.64 g/t gold over 112.5 m within 242.5 m averaging 1.14 g/t gold. Notably, the Jupiter target expanded with Hole J-24-031 yielding 20.9 g/t gold over 2.1 m within 9.45 m of 6.81 g/t gold, showcasing potential for increased exploration.
Pending results for more than 2,500 m of drilling aim to further define the region’s resources. Snowline's strategic exploration aligns with the potential to unlock district-scale gold mineralization in the eastern Yukon territory.
R. E.
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