sur SMX (Security Matters)

SMX's Breakthrough in AI Hardware Protection Highlighted by Frost & Sullivan

In a recent report, Frost & Sullivan emphasized SMX PLC's groundbreaking role in AI hardware protection. The Miami-based firm launched a proprietary technology to secure critical electronic components supporting AI systems. This innovation leverages patented sub-molecular marking, micro-GPS, and blockchain encryption to provide unmatched traceability and security.

SMX's system supports real-time authentication and a blockchain-based digital twin for lifecycle tracking, addressing supply chain vulnerabilities. The focus on recycling and reusability aligns with global sustainability efforts, crucial for the circular economy.

Known for marking diverse materials, SMX extends this to NFC and RFID chips with enhanced security and traceability. The initiative bolsters supply chain integrity in the AI sector, catering to the rising need for secure operations. Their Plastic Cycle Token reflects the firm’s dedication to sustainability, offering a new standard in environmental and regulatory compliance.

R. P.

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