sur Prologue (EPA:ALPRG)

Skolae considers acquisition of M2i to strengthen its position in training

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Prologue (EPA:ALPRG).

Skolae is preparing to acquire a majority of M2i shares through its subsidiary Eductive SAS. The purchase agreement, concluded with Prologue, covers 59.94% of M2i's capital, valuing the company at approximately €49 million. This project includes a simplified public purchase offer at €8.50 per share, marking a premium of 126% on the share price of January 31, 2025.

This merger promises to make Skolae a leader in the sector, strengthening its continuing education offering. The transaction, part of a consolidation strategy led by Skolae, benefits from the support of the boards of directors of Prologue and M2i, who also welcome the growth opportunities possible through this partnership.

R. P.

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