sur Sixt Aktiengesellschaft (isin : DE0007231326)

SIXT Achieves Record Revenue in Second Quarter

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Sixt Aktiengesellschaft (EBR:SIX2).

Sixt Aktiengesellschaft has reported a record revenue of EUR 1.01 billion for the second quarter. This marks an 8.9% increase compared to the same quarter last year. The operating performance also saw a significant boost, with EBITDA rising by 13% to EUR 384.2 million.

Dr. Franz Weinberger, CFO of Sixt SE, highlighted the company's operational strength and resilience in a challenging market. Despite falling vehicle residual values, Sixt's earnings before taxes (EBT) reached EUR 62.9 million, a notable recovery from the first quarter's loss.

The outlook remains positive for Sixt, with projected full-year EBT expected to be between EUR 340 million and EUR 390 million. Continued high demand and strategic investments are expected to drive further growth in revenue and profitability.

R. E.

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