sur Goldinvest Consulting GmbH (isin : CA4957801083)

Sitka Gold Reports Significant Increase in Resource at Black Jack

Sitka Gold, listed under WKN A2JG70 / TSXV SIG, has announced a substantial increase in its mineral resource estimate for the Black Jack deposit within its RC Gold project in the Yukon. Since early 2023, the company has conducted an additional 11,725 meters of diamond drilling, boosting its gold resource from 900,000 ounces to 2,335,000 ounces. This notable growth has also improved the average grades for both indicated and inferred categories. With each meter drilled, the company has added an impressive 122 ounces of gold to its resources.

Currently, the indicated mineral resource stands at 1,291,000 ounces of gold at a grade of 1.01 g/t, spread over 39,962,000 tons. Meanwhile, the inferred resource is 1,044,000 ounces at 0.94 g/t, covering 34,603,000 tons. The decision to increase the cut-off grade to 0.3 g/t gold, even amidst rising gold prices, highlights a prudent strategy in resource calculation.

R. E.

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