sur SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG (isin : DE0007238909)
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Launches New Coating System for Micro-LED Production
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES announced the launch of its new TIMARIS STM coating system, designed specifically for the production of micro-LEDs. This modular high-vacuum sputtering system aims to enhance the manufacturing process of these highly specialized semiconductor components. The company has successfully sold and delivered the first TIMARIS STM system.
Micro-LEDs, known for their small size and high pixel density, are ideal for applications requiring detailed visual displays. They significantly differ from traditional LEDs, primarily due to their size, which typically measures in the micrometer range. The TIMARIS STM system by SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is tailored to address the complexities involved in manufacturing these minute components. It focuses on high precision to ensure the efficient alignment and placement of micro-LEDs on substrates, a critical factor in optimizing their performance.
The introduction of the TIMARIS STM system underscores SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES' commitment to advancing semiconductor technology through innovation and targeted research and development. According to Dr. Stefan Rinck, CEO of SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES, the flexibility of the TIMARIS platform allows the company to cater to diverse application needs and continuously explore new areas within semiconductor technology.
R. P.
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