sur Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (isin : CA8282292033)
Silver Spruce Resources Inc. Shareholder Meeting Results
Silver Spruce Resources Inc. reported that shareholders approved all proposals at the reconvened annual and special meeting on November 5, 2024. The meeting was initially set for October 29, 2024, but was postponed due to a lack of quorum. Shareholders elected nominees Michael Kinley, J. Gregory Davison, Kevin O'Connor, and Kevin Thieneman to its Board of Directors.
Doane Grant Thornton was re-appointed as the auditor. An essential resolution amended the Corporation's stock option plan, awaiting TSX Venture Exchange approval. A special resolution for a share consolidation at a 15:1 ratio was also approved, aligning with future strategic interests, pending TSX Venture Exchange consent.
If enacted, this move would reduce the outstanding shares from over 322 million to approximately 21.5 million, affecting fractional shares through rounding.
R. P.
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