sur Silver Spruce Resources Inc. (isin : CA8282292033)
Silver Spruce and Colibri Complete 2024 Drilling at Diamante Project in Mexico
Silver Spruce Resources Inc. and Colibri Resource Corp. have completed a core drilling program at four polymetallic targets on the Diamante project in Sonora, Mexico. The 800-metre program included seven holes targeting two previously drilled areas and two new zones identified through exploration from 2022 to 2024.
A notable breakthrough occurred at El Pillado South, uncovering significant mineralization with 94.80 g/t Ag, 2.89% Pb, and 1.12% Zn over 2.50 metres. Despite challenges with core quality and recovery, the drilling at El Pillado South extended the exploration model, enhancing the potential for future discoveries.
The 1,057-hectare property, known for its gold-silver prospects and polymetallic endowments, is situated near Tepoca, Sonora. The recent drill program follows 2022's efforts, aiming to explore eight key target areas with varying styles of mineralization.
R. E.
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