sur Reinet Investments SCA (isin : LU0383812293)

Significant Shareholding in Reinet Investments Exceeds 5% Threshold

On February 6, 2025, Reinet Investments S.C.A. received a notification from M&G Plc. The notification stated that M&G's voting rights in Reinet increased on February 5, 2025. M&G now holds 9,923,012 shares, representing 5.06% of the voting rights in Reinet. This is a notable increase above the 5% threshold.

Reinet Investments S.C.A. is a Luxembourg partnership limited by shares. Its registered office is located in Luxembourg, and it operates under Luxembourg law on securitisation. Through its subsidiary, Reinet Fund S.C.A., F.I.S., it allows shareholders to indirectly participate in its asset portfolio. The company's shares are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, Euronext Amsterdam, and the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Reinet's shares are included in the 'LuxX' index of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

R. H.

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