Share Capital Decrease through Treasury Shares Cancellation by Edenred

On February 17, 2025, Edenred's Board of Directors made a significant decision, backed by the May 7, 2024 General Meeting authorization, to decrease its share capital. Effective February 24, 2025, a total of 447,310 treasury shares, representing 0.18% of the share capital, will be canceled. These shares were repurchased during a program between December 17 and December 31, 2024, which was initially announced on March 8 of the same year.
As a result of this cancellation, Edenred SE's share capital now stands at 483,053,340 euros. It is divided into 241,526,670 shares with each having a par value of €2. The strategic move aligns with the company's financial policies aimed at optimizing their capital structure.
R. E.
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