sur SGL Carbon AG (isin : DE0007235301)

SGL Carbon CEO Dr. Torsten Derr Will Not Extend His Contract

On March 21, 2024, SGL Carbon announced that its CEO, Dr. Torsten Derr, has decided not to renew his contract beyond its expiration date of May 31, 2025. Dr. Derr will continue in his role until a successor is appointed or until his contract concludes. He mentioned his commitment to maintaining the company's strong and stable position and ensuring a smooth transition to the new leadership.

Dr. Derr’s tenure saw SGL Carbon become more profitable and stabilize significantly. He credited the entire SGL team for these accomplishments and expressed confidence in the company's future success under the continued guidance of Thomas Dippold and the existing management team.

The early announcement of Dr. Derr's departure has been appreciated by the Supervisory Board, allowing ample time for a thorough search for his successor. Prof. Dr. Frank Richter, speaking on behalf of the board, thanked Dr. Derr for his contributions and promised to observe his wish for a committed completion of ongoing projects before transitioning.

The process to find a new CEO for SGL Carbon is set to begin immediately, aiming to ensure a seamless leadership transition for the company, which has recently reported three successful financial years under Dr. Derr’s leadership.

R. P.

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