sur Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited (isin : CH0406705126)

Sensirion Unveils Upgraded CO2 Sensor SCD43

Sensirion, the leading Swiss developer of sensor technology, has announced the forthcoming launch of its latest CO2 sensor, the SCD43. This sensor, based on the SCD4x platform, offers high accuracy and is compatible with the ASHRAE 62.1 Draft Addendum d standard, making it suitable for demand-controlled ventilation systems. The SCD43 is set to be available in the summer of 2025 through Sensirion’s distribution network.

The SCD43 sensor, featuring improved manufacturing and calibration processes, offers a measurement accuracy of ±(30ppm + 3% m.v.). Its compact design dimensions are 10.1 x 10.1 x 6.5 mm, and it is SMD solderable, facilitating easy integration.

Sensirion emphasizes that the SCD43 is a "drop-in" upgrade for existing SCD4x sensors, maintaining the "best-in-class" measurement standards. This aligns with building standard compatibility requirements and reinforces Sensirion's commitment to precision in environmental sensing solutions.

R. E.

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