sur Credit Suisse Securities (Europe) Limited (isin : CH0406705126)

Sensirion Holding AG Reports Strong Sales Growth Amid Challenging Conditions

Sensirion Holding AG, a Swiss sensor manufacturer, announced a 22.1% increase in sales in local currency for the 2024 financial year, reaching CHF 276.5 million. Sales growth was largely driven by new business in the industrial and automotive sectors despite challenging global market conditions. Profitability saw improvement due to revenue growth and cost optimization efforts, achieving a gross margin of 49.2% and an EBITDA margin of 10.5% after adjusting for one-off costs.

The automotive sector saw an 11% increase in revenue, while the industrial market rebounded with a significant 36% growth, primarily due to demand for air purifiers and new A2L leakage sensors. The medical market remained stable, and the consumer market showed modest signs of recovery. For 2025, Sensirion anticipates continued strong sales growth and improved profitability.

R. E.

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