sur Sendero Resources Corp (isin : CA81688C1023)

Sendero Resources Welcomes Strategic Investing Group

Sendero Resources Corp. has finalized its restructuring initiative, supported by a new strategic investing group. This move positions the company for success in 2025. The investing group is led by Peter Marrone, associated with Yamana Gold and Allied Gold, alongside figures such as Pat DiCapo and Eduardo Elsztain. Their expertise is expected to bolster Sendero's operations in the mineral sector.

The company is set to advance its exploration model following a detailed review of historical data. The focus is on enhancing the Peñas Negras project, located in the Vicuña Copper-Gold Belt, renowned for recent copper-gold discoveries. Sendero seeks to exploit the region's geological advantages and infrastructure to unlock the project's full potential.

CEO Alex Gostevskikh emphasized the value of the group's support, aiming to accelerate Peñas Negras' development. Sendero Resources is centered on copper-gold exploration, holding extensive mining concessions in Argentina.

R. P.

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