sur Sendero Resources Corp (isin : CA81688C1023)
Sendero Resources Places Shares in Escrow Following RSU Grant
Sendero Resources Corp. (TSXV:SEND) has announced that certain shares, previously granted as restricted share units (RSUs), have been placed in escrow. Initially granted on June 4, 2024, the 350,000 RSUs were awarded to former directors and officers. Vesting was deemed effective as of July 31, 2024. According to the TSX Venture Exchange (TSXV), these shares can either be returned to the treasury or placed in escrow, adhering to original vesting restrictions.
The shares are now under the management of Odyssey Trust Company. They will be released in tranches: 25,000 on June 4, 2025; 205,000 on June 5, 2025; 60,000 on December 5, 2025, and the remaining 60,000 on June 5, 2026.
R. E.
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