sur Sendero Resources Corp (isin : CA81688C1023)

Sendero Resources Grants Stock Options

Sendero Resources Corp., based in Vancouver and trading under TSXV:SEND, has announced the granting of stock options under its Stock Option Plan. These options are available to the company's directors, officers, employees, and consultants, allowing them to purchase a total of 1,295,000 common shares. The exercise price for these options is set at $0.40 per share, with an expiration date of January 6, 2030. This grant is pending acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange.

Sendero Resources focuses on copper-gold exploration at its Peñas Negras Project located in the Vicuña Belt, Argentina. The company holds ten mining concessions through its subsidiary, Barton SAS, covering an area of 120 km² in La Rioja, Argentina. Additionally, Sendero has an agreement to earn an 80% interest in eight adjacent mining concessions.

R. H.

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