sur Sendero Resources Corp (isin : CA81688C1023)

Sendero Resources Announces Early Warning Disclosure

Vancouver-based Sendero Resources Corp. (TSXV:SEND) has issued an early warning disclosure following a private placement closing. Under National Instrument 62-103, two shareholders, Peter Marrone and Jeremy Gillis, are required to disclose their holdings. As of today, Marrone owns 1,666,666 shares and warrants, representing around 8.47% of Sendero's undiluted shares. Gillis holds 1,689,276 shares and 1,500,000 warrants, constituting about 8.58% on an undiluted basis.

Both investors have expressed no immediate plans to buy or sell additional securities. However, they intend to explore new business opportunities with Sendero. Potential activities may include mergers, management changes, or amendments to corporate structure, yet no concrete actions are planned.

R. P.

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