sur SEMPRE selected as a provider for the US Air Force's NC3 program, a technology company dedicated to securing critical American infrastructure, has been chosen as an approved vendor for the NC3 program (Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications) by the AF PEO NC3 (Air Force Program Executive Office for Nuclear Command, Control, and Communications). This selection highlights's commitment to enhancing the critical capabilities of the American NC3 system, based on resilient and secure communication.

Rear Admiral retired Rob Spalding, CEO of SEMPRE, expressed that this recognition confirms the company's determination to develop secure and resilient communication solutions for critical operations. The company's mission is to provide efficient and secure communication and computing solutions, promoting the success of military missions at all times and in all locations.

The announcement follows the approval by AF PEO NC3 of the comprehensive acquisition strategy for the Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for Advanced NC3 Concepts, setting a ceiling of 75 million dollars. SEMPRE's inclusion in this group of approved companies reflects its commitment to enhancing national NC3 capabilities. The firm looks forward to working closely with AF PEO NC3 and other approved vendors to support the critical requirements of the US Air Force's NC3 and the nation.

R. E.

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