sur Secunet Security Networks AG (isin : DE0007276503)

Secunet Security Networks AG Reports Revenue Growth and Achieves Targets in 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Secunet Security Networks AG (EBR:YSN).

Secunet Security Networks AG successfully met its 2024 forecast targets, marking an eleventh consecutive year of revenue growth. The cybersecurity company recorded a 3.4% increase in preliminary Group revenues, reaching nearly EUR 407 million compared to EUR 393.7 million the previous year, surpassing the EUR 400 million milestone as expected.

Preliminary consolidated earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) aligned with forecasts at approximately EUR 42 million. The fourth quarter showed notable performance, with revenues of about EUR 152 million, driven by significant contributions from the Public Sector segment.

Despite economic challenges, secunet's business model maintained robustness. CEO Axel Deininger highlighted ongoing investments in future development, particularly in cloud and SINA product expansions. The company also bolstered its position in healthcare digitization, achieving approvals for new high-speed connectors and strengthening partnerships.

R. E.

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