sur SCHOTT Pharma AG & Co. KGaA

SCHOTT Pharma Holds Successful Annual General Meeting

SCHOTT Pharma conducted its virtual Annual General Meeting on February 4, 2025, achieving unanimous approval for all agenda items. This includes the appointment of Dr. Wolfram Carius to the Supervisory Board, replacing Dr. Wolfgang Wienand.

SCHOTT Pharma exceeded its 2024 fiscal targets, highlighting profitable growth and promotion to the MDAX. Shareholders engaged with the management, discussing growth prospects and market challenges for 2025.

The meeting approved a dividend of EUR 0.16 per share, reflecting confidence in the company's trajectory. KPMG was elected as the new auditor. Around 97% of share capital was represented, with high approval for proposed agenda items.

CEO Andreas Reisse emphasized SCHOTT Pharma's focus on innovation and strategic growth, while CFO Dr. Almuth Steinkühler confirmed the commitment to shareholder returns amid market challenges.

R. P.

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