Schneider Electric Appoints Olivier Blum as CEO

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC (EPA:SU).

Schneider Electric has appointed Olivier Blum as its new Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. This decision, unanimously made by the Board of Directors, aims to accelerate the company's strategic execution and navigate its next development phase. The announcement follows a comprehensive search process led by Schneider's Governance, Nominations & Sustainability Committee.

Olivier Blum, who has been with Schneider Electric for over 30 years, has an extensive track record. He has held key positions including Group Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer and Country President of Greater India. Recently, he led the Energy Management division, driving growth and innovation.

The Board removed Peter Herweck from the CEO position due to strategic divergences. Jean-Pascal Tricoire, Chairman, expressed confidence in Blum's leadership abilities, given his deep understanding of Schneider Electric's operations and strategic aims.

R. E.

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