sur Sasquatch Resources Corp. (isin : CA8038671001)

Sasquatch Resources Executes Framework Agreement for Processing Waste Rock at Its Mount Sicker Property

Sasquatch Resources Corp. (CSE:SASQ) has signed a framework agreement with Sulphide Remediation Inc. (SRI) for sorting and processing waste rock at its Mount Sicker Property on Vancouver Island. This agreement, dated June 20, 2024, covers the reclamation and remediation of the property.

The waste rock, left from historical mining activities between 1895 and 1915, has shown high grades of copper, gold, silver, zinc, and lead. As part of the agreement, Sasquatch and SRI will split net profits equally, with SRI covering all capital costs and providing technical advice. Sasquatch will handle mineral claim maintenance, permitting, and reclamation costs.

SRI will develop a detailed project study, including a financial model and potential plans for material processing. If the study indicates profitability, a comprehensive project agreement will follow. Initial testing using advanced sorting technology is underway, with results anticipated soon.

Sasquatch has begun consultations with local governments and First Nations and is preparing a project description for regulatory submission. CEO Peter Smith emphasized the environmental and economic benefits of the project, while SRI’s Brent Hilscher highlighted the use of new technology for environmental remediation and potential revenue generation.

R. H.

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