sur Community Associates And Modern Press
San Diego's Park Mental Health Center Focuses on Regaining Control for Mental Health Recovery
Park Mental Health in San Diego offers a comprehensive approach to treating various mental health disorders, including OCD, anxiety, and depression. The facility emphasizes helping individuals regain a sense of control over their lives, which is often diminished upon their arrival for treatment. By addressing the internal and external aspects of control, the staff encourages empowerment and resilience among their clients.
According to Mikayla Weathers, the Program Director, the goal at Park Mental Health is not only treating the biological aspects of mental disorders but also enhancing patients' motivation and choice in their recovery process. The facility adopts methods such as the 12-step recovery program that includes therapy and psychiatric care, aiming to help patients develop control over their substance use and addiction, commonly linked to mental health issues.
The treatment philosophy is built on the belief that regaining control can drastically improve mental well-being. Patients are taught to utilize adaptive coping strategies to handle stress and foster a greater sense of agency and empowerment, which are crucial for effective recovery and reclaiming their lives.
R. E.
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