Saint-Gobain and Boralex Forge Long-term Renewable Energy Deal

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action SAINT-GOBAIN (EPA:SGO).

Saint-Gobain and Boralex have entered a 20-year renewable electricity purchase agreement in France. The agreement involves three power plants developed and operated by Boralex utilizing both wind and solar technologies. This combination ensures a stable renewable electricity supply for Saint-Gobain's French industrial operations.

The agreement will see two solar power plants and one wind farm become operational between early 2026 and early 2027. These plants will generate approximately 110 GWh per year, meeting 10% of Saint-Gobain's electricity needs in France. Claire Pedini, of Saint-Gobain, emphasized the importance of this deal for decarbonizing their operations.

Nicolas Wolff of Boralex highlighted the agreement as a testament to their ability to provide customized energy solutions. The PPA supports Saint-Gobain in securing sustainable energy for two decades, contributing significantly to the energy transition.

R. P.

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