sur Sailun Europe GmbH

SAILUN Tyre Takes Customers on Insightful Production Journey to Vietnam and Cambodia

On March 8, 2024, Frankfurt-based SAILUN Tyre Europe announced the successful completion of a unique production experience trip for over 100 European customers to its bases in Vietnam and Cambodia. The event, spanning from February 25th to March 10th, aimed to showcase the advanced manufacturing capabilities and the rapid growth of SAILUN Tyres, recognized as one of the world's fastest-growing and most reliable tyre brands. A diverse group of PCR and TBR customers from across Europe, including Norway, Sweden, and Germany, took part in this exclusive experience.

The tour commenced at SAILUN's Vietnam facility, the company’s first modern production base established outside China. This facility proudly contributes to a full spectrum of tyre product categories, including PLT, TBR, and Specialty, featuring the addition of rubber tracks. The visit to the ACTR Joint Venture factory further highlighted SAILUN's stride in modernization over the past 7 years.

The highlight for many came with the visit to Cambodia, where SAILUN's cutting-edge tyre production methods left a significant impression on the guests. The high degree of automation and innovation witnessed redefined their expectations of a tyre factory, reinforcing their trust in SAILUN for future collaborations.

Harry Wang, GM of SAILUN Europe, emphasized the importance of these trips in strengthening partnerships and expressed gratitude for the trust and support from their customers, which has been pivotal for SAILUN's growth to becoming the 12th largest and 11th most valuable tyre brand.

R. H.

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