sur Rush Rare Metals Corp. (isin : CA7820101029)

Rush Rare Metals Expands Copper Mountain Project

Rush Rare Metals Corp. recently augmented its Copper Mountain Project by incorporating three new areas covering 1,398 acres. This expansion follows an earn-in agreement with Myriad Uranium Corp., bringing the project's total to approximately 4,200 acres near Riverton, Wyoming.

The areas added include the Midnight claim, Bonanza and Kermac/Day uranium mines, and grounds around the Canning area. They were incorporated based on historical documents revealing significant prior exploration investments by Union Pacific and others.

This additional land, rich in uranium deposits, further enhances the project's development potential. Notably, the inclusion of historically significant mining sites like Bonanza and Kermac/Day mines is anticipated to bolster the project’s strategy under heightened demand for domestic uranium production.

R. P.

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