sur Roadpass Digital
Roadtrippers Unveils AI-Powered Trip Planning for Cars and RVs
Roadtrippers, renowned for its top-ranking road trip planning applications, has introduced an AI-driven planner tailored for both car and RV travel. This new tool, dubbed Roadtrippers Autopilot™, provides bespoke travel suggestions that adapt based on user interests, accommodation preferences, and the specifics of their vehicle.
The application utilizes data from over 38 million trips, totaling more than 42 billion miles, to generate personalized and unique trip itineraries. Roadtrippers Autopilot™ features an advanced interface and utilizes specific criteria for RVs to suggest optimal routes and available campgrounds for booking, enhancing the travel planning process for a diverse range of road travelers.
Mary Heneen, CEO of Roadpass Digital, the parent company of Roadtrippers, highlighted the enhanced speed and personalization that the AI technology brings to road trip planning. This innovation not only simplifies the planning process but also integrates major features from other leading apps into a comprehensive travel resource—Roadtrippers.
R. P.
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