sur Ripple Therapeutics

Ripple Therapeutics Announces Collaboration with AbbVie for Glaucoma Therapy Development

Ripple Therapeutics has announced a collaboration and option-to-license agreement with AbbVie. The partnership will develop RTC-620, a biodegradable, sustained-release drug delivery implant for treating glaucoma and ocular hypertension. The collaboration combines AbbVie's eye care expertise with Ripple's innovative drug delivery platform.

Ripple's technology enables the creation of controlled release pharmaceuticals without polymers or excipients. The proprietary prodrugs offer customizable drug dosage and duration, leaving no degradation products. This feature supports repeat dosing, crucial for long-term glaucoma management.

Tom Reeves, CEO of Ripple Therapeutics, emphasized the partnership's potential to impact glaucoma patients positively. Michael Robinson, M.D., from AbbVie, highlighted their aim to expand their portfolio of vision-preserving therapies through this collaboration.

Ripple will handle preclinical development of RTC-620, while AbbVie will oversee clinical trials and commercialization. Ripple will receive an initial payment of $21.8 million and could earn up to $290 million in milestones and royalties.

R. P.

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