Reworld Media Launches ICON in the United States

Reworld Media announces the launch of the American edition of ICON magazine, scheduled for the end of April 2025. This initiative brings the number of international editions of the magazine to six. The group, already positioned in Italy, Spain, Australia, the Middle East and France, is thus strengthening its presence in the American market, a major strategic focus.
ICON USA will be led by Andrea Tenerani, who will be joined as editor-in-chief by Gro Curtis, who has experience at V and VMAN. Alexander Wiederin will serve as art director, and Tanya Amini will serve as editor-at-large, bringing her expertise in luxury publishing to the table.
ICON USA, published twice a year, will target a readership interested in fashion, design and culture. From the publication of the first issue, the brand will actively invest in social networks to increase its notoriety.
R. P.
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