sur Diamcor Mining Inc. (isin : CA2525312070)
Retired Tiffany & Co. Executive Mr. D. Wayne Howard Joins Diamcor Board of Directors
Diamcor Mining Inc., a prominent diamond mining company, announced the appointment of Mr. D. Wayne Howard, a recently retired executive from Tiffany & Co., as an Independent Director on its Board. This move is aimed at enhancing Diamcor's growth strategy and its positioning as a significant source of natural rough diamonds for reputable diamantaires and luxury retailers.
Dean Taylor, CEO of Diamcor, expressed enthusiasm over Mr. Howard's appointment, highlighting their shared vision for the diamond industry's future and the challenges of securing non-conflict diamond supplies. Mr. Howard, in response, pledged to support the company's growth endeavors with his vast experience and knowledge gained from his impressive career, which includes numerous senior executive roles and deep insights into the diamond industry.
Mr. Howard's career has spanned many high-level positions across global organizations, displaying a knack for improving profitability and operations, making him a valuable addition to Diamcor's Board. In his most recent roles at Tiffany & Co., he was instrumental in diamond supply operations and manufacturing processes, further enriching Diamcor's board with his extensive industry connections and expertise.
As part of his joining, Diamcor has granted Mr. Howard options to purchase 3,000,000 shares, priced at $0.10 per share, aligning with TSX Venture Exchange vesting requirements. This strategic move underscores Diamcor's commitment to leveraging Mr. Howard’s experience for the company's future growth and operational excellence.
R. P.
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