Restructuring Announcement for Infinity Advertising's Ownership

Following the new alliance between Casino Group and Groupement Mousquetaires, Infinity Advertising's ownership structure is set to change. The Mousquetaires Group will become its sole shareholder. This follows the purchasing alliance redefinition between the two partners in 2024.

Infinity Advertising was established in September 2021 by Casino Group's subsidiary RelevanC and Groupement Mousquetaires. It has been providing Retail Media services in France using comprehensive retail transactional data. With this restructuring, Mousquetaires acquires RelevanC's shares.

Despite the ownership change, Infinity Advertising will continue to serve Monoprix, Franprix, Casino and Intermarché, using RelevanC's technologies. Operations and services for agencies and advertisers are expected to remain unaffected.

R. E.

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