Resilient performance of Warehouse Estates Belgium SA in 2024

Warehouse Estates Belgium SA (WEB SA) announced positive results for the 2024 financial year, despite a challenging economic environment marked by geopolitical tensions and high inflation. The real estate portfolio grew by 6.06%, reaching €336.471 million. The occupancy rate remained at a high level of 97.63%, up 1.09% compared to 2023.
Rental income increased by 10.42% to €24.926 million. However, the financial result was negatively impacted by high interest rates, although net income jumped by 22.74% to €10.639 million.
WEB SA continued its sustainability efforts, reducing its greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy efficiency. The year resulted in a potential return of 7.71% and a decrease in the debt ratio to 46.11%.
R. H.
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Voir toutes les actualités de WAREHOUSE ESTATES BELGIUM S.A.